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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Helping Darfur with Gaming

Upon being asked why the contest focuses specifically on Darfur, Martin said that “millions of people are dead and homeless, and the genocide continues.” He recognizes that “there are lots of problems in the world, and this is one of them,” but feels that the Darfur situation is both something college students are concerned with and something they need to know more about.

“I feel video games have an incredible ability to spread awareness and make a difference...,” Martin said. “[The finalist games] are actually sort of fun to play, and in the midst of that fun, you realize that the world you’re playing in is not so simple.... Each game becomes something that starts out as fun, and turns into a call for action.”
-- Darfur is dying: save it with a video game

That's from a bit on an mtvU compeition finalist which is trying to use their project to create more awareness about the situation in Darfur. I'm willing to bet that you hear about this one in the mainstream, since video games which try and help the world are apparently not breaking news.

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