I generally try to keep politics out of Cathode Tan, but sometimes politicians just say things which are simply an affront to logic itself.
And yes, I'm talking about Rick Santorum. Faithful Cathode Tanners also know that I'm a fairly staunch advocate of gay rights - though I generally just consider it advocating human rights. Anyone who has actually spent time with a loving, faithful gay couple and walks away with the thought that "we should totally ban that" ... well, I just can't see how it doesn't come from a place of fear and ignorance.
When the politicians use logic to cover up that fear and ignorance - it requires logic to set that right.
When Santorum is asked about gay marriage, he often applies the "slippery slope" argument, that for instance legalizing gay marriage would in turn open the door to legalizing polygamy. Here's Santorum laying out his so-called argument:
Rick says that if we are going to have a conversation about one, we have to distinguish the other for him.
So let's do that.
Let's outline Rick's logic.
- All people have the right to be happy.
- Because gay marriage would make some people happy, it should be legalized.
- However, marrying multiple people would also make some people happy.
- Therefore, if we legalize gay marriage - we will need to legalize polygamy as well.
- You have proposed X.
- I can prove Y is similar to X.
- Y is undesirable.
- Therefore, X is also undesirable.
- All people have the right to be happy.
- The state should not create laws which impede a citizen's pusuit of happiness without proof of harm to the state or citizens.
- The state should not create laws which impede a citizen's pursuit of happiness without proof of harm to the state or other citizens.
- There's no evidence which shows gay marriage causes harm to to the state and therefore should not be made illegal.
- However, there's also no evidence that polygamy causes harm to the state and therefore should also not be made illegal.
- Therefore - if we legalize gay marriage, we should legalize polygamy as well.
The case against polygamy is rather complicated and gets very quickly wrapped into cultural specifics like child marriages. However, existing laws in place should provide the protection of children. Probably a more utilitarian issue also provides a segue into a core issue of the rest of the debate - legalizing polygamy could likely tear a hole in our tax and estate code that current lawbooks aren't really willing to deal with. It's not the definition of marriage which causes an issue here, it's the fact that you've now compounded the possibilities of what was previously defined. "1 Man, 1 Woman" simply makes for an enforceable tax code - far more than "X number of men, and X number of women."
The ramifications on divorce alone would keep the lawmakers busy for years. So we can leave whether polygamy would result in direct societal harm and state that our current legal structure isn't yet equipped to deal with it.
You know, kinda like how lawmakers are currently handling the Internet and plenty of other technological issues.
Since gay marriage is clearly a different issue than polygamy and we've laid out a case for why polygamy should not be (currently) legalized which does not effect our case for gay marriage, our argument now looks like this:
- The state should not create laws which impede a citizen's pursuit of happiness without proof of harm to the state or other citizens.
- There's no evidence which shows gay marriage causes harm to to the state and therefore should not be made illegal.
- Therefore we should legalize gay marriage.
Of course - this would also remove the benefits of formalizing legal marriage. Tax benefits, a legal framework for familial issues and a definition for estate laws all directly benefit society. In other words, all the reasons why legalizing polygamy would be inherently difficult (if not undesirable) are justifications for creating a legal framework for marriage.
So now our argument looks like this:
- A legal framework for marriage benefits society.
- Excluding gays from marriage benefits fewer people than inclusion.
- Including gay marriage into the legal framework will increase the benefits offered from the marital legal framework.
- Therefore, gay marriage should be legalized.
- Don't use religion as justification. This is why we have separation of church and state. Leviticus quotes may simply get deleted.
- Same goes for gay bashing. Take it elsewhere. Or preferably, nowhere. Insults and the like may also simply get deleted.
- If you're going to quote studies, please link to them.
- As a warning - beware of editorials which can't prove causation. Yes, I've read them.