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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

And Another One's Over

Back in Chicago now after five days of holiday. No real property damage this time. Mother got engaged. The Girl lost another good soldier to a combination of cancer and old age. So needless to say ... it was eventful.

I'm a bit sorry I missed out on the Guild Wars Wintersday events, but thankfully Brinstar has the coverage. I can finally play We Love Katamari now and rejoin the rest of the modern gaming world. Along with that the Nintendo DS was added to the family, along with the everyone-says-its-time-to-get-a-DS-and-play-it Mario Kart. Which I have to say, after giving it a few test drives yesterday ... really reminds me just how much I enjoyed the original. Just honestly good gameplay.

For the longest time I would have thought I'd be a PSP owner before a DS. I'm really hoping Nintendo cashes in on the the WiFi angle and makes really compelling online play ... and I see that as more a possibility on the DS than the PSP. I couldn't seem to get an online game started last night for the life of me. I'm not sure if you have to unlock tracks in Mario Kart before you can play them online or what. I think my brother ended up with Animal Crossing, making it a true shame that these games can't figure out how to mashup one another. Driving Browser across a remote village sure seems like fun.

The Girl also hooked me up with Shadow of the Colossus, probably the only title other than Katamari that I've been chomping at the bit to get a chance to try. There's still more than a few I want to get in the relatively near future ... like Civ 4 and SWAT 4, but I've got plenty to hold me over for now.

tagged: ,


Thomas said...

You shouldn't have to unlock anything to play MK online. I'm guessing it has to do with your router--support seems to be a little wonky. I can't connect at my parents, but I can just about everywhere else. has a list of supported devices, but it's not exactly comprehensive.

Josh said...

Well, I can get a test connection and I can get onto NiWiFi, but I didn't seem able to find any players either regionally or worldwide.

I kinda wish the test connect was bit a more robust so that I could be sure everything was kosher. I'll try again when I get home and check out the if it still seems like nobody in Chicagoland is playing the game :|

Brinstar said...

One of my friends showed me Shadow of the Colossus a couple weeks ago. The game looks amazing. It also appears to be challenging, especially to try and figure out how to defeat certain colossi. I think I would have a lot of fun just riding Agro around in the country side. It's gorgeous! I'm playing Ico right now (when I can tear myself away from Guild Wars), and I plan on playing Shadow after that.

As of last night, the Wintersday update is still in effect in Guild Wars. I have not seen any news of when it will end (and I've been keeping an eye out). I'll try looking on some forums if I have the time (the GW Community Relations Managers sometimes post on the larger GW fansites). I want to get my gingerbread Focus Item before the festivities are over! :-P (Still trying to find those bloody Candy Cane Shards!)

Josh said...

I might get time to check out Wintersday this week if it lasts long enough. The Girl's Sister is in town and while The Girl will game for social or theraputic reasons mostly (i.e., it's just fun to hang out on the couch or she really needs to burn off stress), The Girl's Sister is a fervent gamer. So I'm more likely to be in front of the TV for a while.

One of these days, I will ascend...

Thomas said...

Sometimes it just takes a long time to get a connection. The service interface is definitely screwy--I wish it didn't try to do the matching for you. I try to have a book handy, and hope that it's a good match when it does connect. But when it's good, it's really good.

Tony said...

Alright, you joined the Good Side and got a DS! Make sure you post your MK friend code so we can do some gaming. Also, you need Animal Crossing WW. It is much fun.

I think the actual "Wintersday" will be Saturday, the 31st. Last time I was on was the 23rd and I seem to remember someone saying it was "8 days until Wintersday." I could be wrong, though. Everything is a blur from this weekend.

Brinstar said...

One of these days, I will ascend...

I say that to myself all the time.

Yeah, I think the consensus is that the 31st is Wintersday. There is talk of some grand battle of some kind...