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Friday, May 09, 2008

Of Breakpoints And Puppies

Work is pretty lenient with us being able to use the home as an office - which is most thankful as recently there's been a spat of SARS and root canals which honestly just feels a bit dangerous to me. For me that means that my day usually gets punctuated between phone calls, long IM chats, our 13 year old puppy demanding attention and lately - setting several breakpoints in the hopes of running down bugs.

On that last note - I am hereby swearing never to brag again about achieving something with iPhone development. The last time was when I uploaded a record to Salesforce and when I decided, moments later, to try the same code on the actual hardware ... it crashed. Yesterday it was when I figured out my memory leak when it came to threading and when I decided, moments later, to try the same code on the actual hardware ... it crashed. It's not a happy trend.

I'm actually installing the new SDK as we speak. Overall development has been pretty much a joy, but trying to track down a mysterious crash yesterday was pretty frustrating and apparently the very download I'm installing now corrupted our other OS X developer's compile - so I may have that to look forward to.

Alongside my three hour fight with breakpoints, The Girl pulled an 11 hour day - so the long of the short of all this is that we're tired and I won't be talking about Lost just now.

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