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Monday, September 26, 2005

You're Not Fooling Anyone

OK, blogger and gmail seem to off their their freakout kick at least long enough for me to run through the comment spam and get delete them.

For future spammers, a few notes:

#1 - It's a bit suspicious when I get eight emails from five different people in the same second.

#2 - It's also a bit suspicious when they all claim to have blogs under some unknown entertainment news site.

#3 - When one of them thanks me because the fact that the PlayStation 3 may be kitten powered because it's hard to find solid coverage ... I tend to not buy into it so much.

#4 - Likewise, when someone compliments the quality of my comic book coverage under the headline "Superman's A Dick", I don't think you've read very carefully.

I really don't get these people. Does any of this crap actually work for them? I still get two or three jerks trying to register their online poker sites as Unreal mods, even though it won't result in a single link for them. I bet if these jackasses spent half the time trying to create legit content that they do spamming, they might actually be able to move out of their mom's basement.

I don't mind people making note of their blogs, if it's relevant and they actually have a real blog of course. But watching bottomfeeders chew away at the Internet is always annoying.

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