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Friday, April 13, 2007

Lost: More Questions and Caveats

When I was browsing the archives yesterday, I realized I hadn't really posited questions and caveats for Lost in a really, really, really long time. An indication of how much of a decline the show really had (for myself). One of Us officially tipped the scales back into the other direction, a move I didn't think we'd see until closer to the finale (if ever).

Although I still think the writers deserve several slaps to the face for some of the plot points leading up to the last couple episodes (like Sawyer idiotically and inexplicably chasing Karl away), combined with the lack of resolution of key concepts with the show .... much of this season still feels like we were just treading water and avoiding answers. The fact that characters on the island don't seemed overly concerned with figuring out their situation, communicating with each other or even finding new ways to get off the island (or even exploring it much) ... just doesn't add up.

Still, Juliet is helping make the show fun to watch ... and think about ... again. Even moreso than the inclusion of Desmond last season (no offenses to Ian Cusick, he was and is completely great on the show). Plus, the number of in-show references to mistakes this season (Sawyer constantly wondering who Pool Boy and Hot Girl were, Kate not being able to explain Sawyer's actions with Karl ... even Sayid pointedly asking the questions which should be asked) - maybe by the time next season rolls around (in Januarary I think) the show will be ready for some real redemption of its own.

Until then, we can try and poke and ponder at the last few epsidoes:

Question: Was the Kate and Sawyer hookup planned?
I derided Kate and Sawyer's caged heat for being pandering to the love triangle crowd, but I'll be the first to admit it might have been something more. Considering how big of a role kids and pregnancy has had with the show - the potential conception might have been more than an accident. Why else drag Kate and Sawyer along? Just to have leverage to keep Jack honest? Just bringing Kate would have made more sense.

Caveat: How did Juliet know about Sawyer killing Duckett? Or Sayid's military career?
We see Ben entering The Flame and ordering up some intelligence on the plane crash. Mikhail already has video on the missing plane. However, how long would it take them to dig up things not even remotely in the public record? Things like a crime Sawyer wasn't convicted for or the specifics of Sayid's military life? How good is Evil Google for getting answers?

Or does this indicate that, like the guy spying on Juliet's sister and the creepy woman in Desmond's flashbacks, that the Others/DHARMA have a very, very active presence off the island?

Caveat: Why wouldn't Ben tell Juliet about Rosseau?
Assuming Rosseau gave birth on the island, Alex would have been successfully born well before Juliet's arrival. Considering the important they place on the project, why keep any secrets? Surely Alex would have been a matter of interest to Juliet anyway, unless they explained her as being born off-island. I might guess here that Alex was born off island, perhaps on Rosseau's boat, as the easiest course of explanation.

Question: Speaking of Rosseau's boat...
Where is it?

Question: Why is Juliet spying?
Much of depends on what will happen in "one week" (my guess is a mass kidnapping) - but what is Juliet's real role in the Lost camp? Sun is an obvious target, but we can't be sure that The Others even know she's pregnant. Is she just the Trojan Horse?

Question: What's the real date?
Ben continues to use video footage to prove what day it is. He used it on Jack to prove his connection with outside world. He used it with Juliet to show her sister still alive. Course, all the footage could have been taped at any time. The film of Juliet's sister was remarkably brief. So in reality, there is no definate guarantee that anything Ben is showing is actually recent footage.

Follow-up: Why is travelling to the island so tramautic?
Or is it? Ethan didn't seem to require tranqs for the trip. Is he just used to it or did they just not want Juliet to know where they were?

Hopefully this season will continue the upswing, or I'll feel silly for even thinking about these things.

Oh and... My crazy guess? Jacob is the island.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"When I was browsing the archives yesterday, I realized I hadn't really posited questions and caveats for Lost in a really, really, really long time. An indication of how much of a decline the show really had (for myself). One of Us officially tipped the scales back into the other direction, a move I didn't think we'd see until closer to the finale (if ever)."

Well said, and I totally agree. I really had lost interest in trying to "figure it out." Until Wednesday night.

"The fact that characters on the island don't seemed overly concerned with figuring out their situation, communicating with each other or even finding new ways to get off the island (or even exploring it much) ... just doesn't add up."

Yeah, that's been the most frustrating part for me. They're actions just don't seem rational!

Sorry, I don't have much to add except for "me too!" I think your questions are smart, as well. For example the thought that Kate might get pregnant with Sawyer's devil spawn :-), and that this was The Others' intent, hadn't occurred to me. Makes sense.