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Friday, September 09, 2005

I Fought The Flood

Haven't talked about Katrina since I didn't really think much needed to be said on a gaming blog. I was considering donation options until Bungie made the choice clear for me. I'll probably continue to poke around relief efforts to see where a little cash or aid might come in handy.

I will say this however, if I may wax political for a moment. Anyone who doesn't see this as a vast failure of the federal government to handle a crisis needs to turn off Fox News for a few days and take a more serious look. The fact that post 9/11 FEMA has been largely dismantled, that an event which was predicted four years ago as one of the worst potential disasters for this country and that funding for an event like this has been squandered away on a senseless war and even more senseless pork projects is a condemnation of both the Bush administration and the ruling members of Congress. These shills have been caterwauling 9/11 like a rally cry since the day it happened, but when push came to shove - they weren't ready to saddle up. America, it's time to take a serious look at the leadership and perhaps suggest that some of them start looking for new jobs.

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