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Friday, August 12, 2005

Unreal Engine Trains Soldiers To Be...


Tactical Iraqi builds upon a popular existing PC-based computer game called “Unreal Tournament,” in which a player moves a game figure representing him or herself through a landscape filled with buildings and characters.

The Tactical Iraqi game arena reproduces the environment of Iraq, geographically and architecturally. Most important, the characters are recognizably Iraqi, speaking Iraqi Arabic and using gestures and other non-verbal cues characteristic of the nation.

Using a headphone and microphone system, Tactical Iraqi trainees communicate with these characters in Arabic, using appropriate body gestures, to perform typical war-theater tasks: entering a town and locating a head man, check documents at a road crossing, and other civil administration tasks.

Tactical Iraqi is a 3D language lab, not unlike the one mentioned before. This is of course another fine example of how video games are so interactive that they can hardwire a man to be lethally polite. Evil. Pure evil.

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