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Friday, March 09, 2007

Jagged Alliance Film

A similiar weirdness must have been at play when, after a chance meeting with a man named Daniel Jevons led to a quick and wonderful friendship led to a conversation where I was asked what video game property most excited me for the purposes of creating a feature film.

"Jagged Alliance", I said. Without a hesitation.

Fast forward almost a year of discussions, treatment scripts, and a lot of paperwork and the following press release hits the world:

Strategy First Partners with Union Entertainment to Develop The Jagged Alliance Feature Film!
-- Strategy First Partners with Union Entertainment to Develop The Jagged Alliance Feature Film!

OK, so knowing our luck it will be a B-movie bloodfest which barely ranks in between Cobra and Commando ... but Jagged Alliance is at least old school proto-X-Com style joy.

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