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Friday, October 20, 2006

Threewave On Sponsored Content

Somehow, this is the Ouroboros of gaming. Threewave, makers of Threewave CTF, discussing in-game ads. It's an interesting read and discusses they whys (funding) and the do nots (spyware). Remember that Threewave predates Counter-Strike by like an Internet Age in terms of having an impact on gaming (one could argue that without TCTF, there might not be CS - which is probably overkill but at least debateable). Now Threewave is moving to the Source engine and increasing their development budget with ingame ads.

The head swims to take it all in...

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Josh said...

That actually helps to put it into a bettter, more realisitic perspective - thanks. And makes the head less wonky to wrap around it.

Unknown said...

veraxis isn't correct. While zoid may have came up with the idea of CTF, he wasn't the sole developer. The other 3 fellas who helped develop Threewave-CTF still work for (and own) the company Threewave Software. ThreewaveCTF wasn't a one man show.